Monday, September 28, 2015

Round 4

I wasted no time making an appt with a specialist. I researched and found a specialist that was top rated in the area! The appt was set and I was ready to go! This month we didn't really try at all. I knew I didn't want to get pregnant again until we were sure what we were up against, if anything! So I wanted to make sure we didn't DTD (do the deed) around ovulation. We did it 8 days before....and then 4 days afer. 

 Something was off on my charts though. When basal temping...your temperatures stay low in your follicular stage. (the 14 days before you ovulate) and then they rise in your luteal phase (the 14 days after) in a normal 28 day cycle. Once you see the rise in your know you ovulated. Because after your ovulate your body releases progesterone, and that causes your temps to go up and stay up until you start your period. Just a little science lesson for ya! 

  Anyway - I noticed I got a rise in my temps around day 15. So 4 days after that, we DTD. But then - I noticed my temps went back down a bit and then rose high again. This told me that I ovulated late. Which would put us in prime timing for conception. Whoops! But maybe I was wrong. Either way, we went in for our appt. The doctor explained all of the tests she wanted me to do...and then asked if I was pregnant. I told her no...but since I wasn't really trying - I didn't really think about the fact that I was 2 days late. I was still temping...but I was just taking my temps and logging them. I wasn't paying too close attention to the chart. Anyway, she told me to go home and take a test. I did. And sure as shit...there it was. The faintest line. 

  The next day....I started bleeding. You only get a line if you have HCG in your system. You only get HCG in your system if you're pregnant. I knew I was suffering chemical pregnancy #3. When you miscarry - especially with Chemical pass a different type of tissue. Having gone through 2 previous ones, I was kind of becoming a pro on what to expect. So I knew based on that I was indeed pregnant. I didn't even really grieve this time around. It was sad that I was becoming numb. I informed my doctor, and we proceeded with the tests.

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