Once we were settled in, I had reservations for dinner at 5:45pm in the CN Tower. What a disaster that was! Long story very short - we got to the top, I got sick and had a panic attack due to the height and revolving floor, and we left 5 minutes after we were seated. What a disaster. So that was a total bust (and pretty embarrassing too) but fortunately I have the best husband in the world and comforted me the entire time. He calmed me down and we ended up finding a nice restaurant/bar down the street from our place and ate there. It was more our speed anyway. The CN Tower was ridiculously expensive and I am sure you are paying moreso for the experience vs food. So I wasn't totally devastated about the whole situation.
The next day we bundled up (it was freezing up there) and decided to tour the town. Everything was within walking distance for us so we walked everywhere! It was cool to see the little shops and visit the local mall. Since it was sunday, many places were closed until like noon, so we missed a lot of things since we left early to walk around. We will note that for next time! But we did find this amazing place right on lake ontario called Amsterdam brewery and the food was amazing!! I had one of the best pizzas ever! So delicious! They brew their own beer, and I am not a beer drinker, but my husband says the beer was very good so I will just take his word for it. Below is me in front of Toronto's City Hall. The pool was frozen over!
After walking around much of the day sunday, a snowstorm was expected to start rolling in so we made it back home just in time for that to start up. We bundled up on the couch that evening and watched the season finale of The Walking Dead. What a great way to end a great day!! Perfect!
The next morning we gathered all of our things and checked out of our airbnb. We headed up to the fertility clinic which was about 40 minutes north of Toronto. The clinic was very nice and clean, and everyone was super friendly. They withdrew 18 vials of blood from my husband to begin the procedure. After that, we had about 3 hrs to kill before I had to go back and have the white blood cells injected into my arms. So we went and got some breakfast, and drove around Markham, Ontario which consists of pretty much nothing. Haha. They just had residential areas and a small little strip mall. And of course, the hospital. So not much to do at all. After we killed our time, we headed back and I got my injections. OUCH. You get 4 injections in each arm and they feel like bee stings. Each one got worse and worse I felt. But the nurse did compliment that I was the "most laidback patient she'd ever had!" haha! I guess others scream, cry or squirm from the pain. I took it like a champ, even though inside I wanted to scream, cry and squirm. But my motto is, just get it over with...the more you interrupt, the longer it's going to take. So just suck it up and get it done. Here are my arms after! The swelling has gone down a lot, but man do they itch!
The itching is supposed to get worse as well. Usually by day 3 you want to rip your skin off they say. Great. But you can't itch and you cannot use any medicine or creams to relieve the pain. I can apply a cool towel every now and then to help but thats it. She did say if it got unbearable I could take a benedryl. But I think I will just suck it up and deal with it, since I don't want to do anything to interfere with the treatment.
After the treatment was over, we got in the car and headed home. We got in around 10pm and I went straight to bed. I'm back at work today and I plan on relaxing for the rest of the week/weekend. My ass probably won't move from the couch much. haha! But since these next couple of weeks coming up are going to be so crazy, I don't feel guilty at all for being super lazy. I think my husband feels the same way! ;)
Well, that's it. 1st treatment down....3 weeks we will be on to round 2. Hope this all works! Time will tell!
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