Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A positive post for once

Whenever I get on here I am either venting about something, or just received bad news. So this blog has really took a turn for the negative lately. And, yes the crap I am going through sucks no doubt...but I am not always in this negative state of mind. Which is why I decided to write a post when I am actually in a decent mood! haha!

  Things aren't really much different with me news wise. Only my amazing nurse Sarah is going to talk with my doctor about potentially administering the infusion and steroid treatments on me herself, instead of having to go through an infusion center. It would save me SO much money, since half the cost is for the nurse to come to your home and do it. She volunteered and is going to tell my doctor she really wants to do this for me as a courtesy. I really hope my doctor allows it, since they do not do that kind of thing at their office. I will know what she says later today.

  But even if she says no, it's really nice to know that someone on my medical team is batting for me. That's not just out to screw me, or take advantage of my time and money. So that really made me feel so comforted that I have someone like her that would do that for me to help me. There really are great people in this world, you just have to find them!! haha

 Anyway, we are heading to Canada this weekend. I am excited! I already booked dinner reservations in the CN Tower on our first night there. Should be really cool! I will post pictures of our trip! The procedure is on Monday the 4th. They only had an injection time for me at 2:30pm so that kinda sucks because we will be heading down back to Virginia right after the appt. So that will make for a very long day/night of driving. Fortunately my boss has been really cool about the whole thing and will let me take the next morning off if I need it.

  Speaking of my boss and nice gestures, my boss is giving me the time off to go to Canada for these procedures. Meaning - I do not have to use any of my personal days for this. How nice is that!? He knows my issues and has been very understanding with me. He's never questioned my constant doctor appts and blood draws. He's been really supportive and that's such a great thing, because with all of this mess, it really has caused me to take a lot of time from work. He has even allowed me to work overtime to help me financially. As much as I like to bitch about working, it's nice to work for people who are compassionate. I'm very lucky with that.

Anyway, like I said, today isn't bad. It's just a normal day, and most days are like this. I feel fine, (even though I started my period last night), but other than that...just another day. I wanted to post this so my readers don't think I am some manic depressed woman who is on the edge of destruction! Because I look back at some of my posts like, wow....I really was down and low that day. But most days are normal days. And most days I am fine, I am laughing, I am smiling and I just go on about my day. :)

I will try to get on here as well when I am in good spirits, vs only writing when something is wrong or I am sad. I don't want this to be the most depressing blog ever posted for people to read. That's definitely not my intentions here! Good days, bad days...we all have em! ;)

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