Friday, February 26, 2016

Desperate times

I am in a mild panic mode as of late. After tallying up what everything will cost for all of this treatment, I am not sure how we are going to be able to swing this. I mean, the blood test of option 2 will cost $5,000 PER TREATMENT. And I have to have like at least 3! IVF costs around 15k each time. The option 3 treatment of intralipids and steroids costs like $500 per treatment - which sounds better - only I have to take that until I am well in my second that will add up to like 15k as well. Then add in hospital bills, tests, genetics, bla bla bla bla bla. And that's even if all of this stuff will even work!!!! I see myself slowly sinking further and further into debt and I don't know what to do. I don't think I will ever be able to pull myself out after all is said and done. It will be a lifelong struggle with or without the prize of a child.

  It makes me so sad. All I want is to be a mom. And I just feel that those odds are so stacked against me right now. It really sucks. I am trying my best to remain positive...but man, it's really hard these days. :(

 I don't understand why insurance will cover the cost for a smoker to get better, but won't cover anything infertility related. It makes NO sense to me. My issues are a big deal! My immune system is on overdrive for some reason! I have three major blood clotting issues that without these tests I wouldn't have any clue about. If I don't take baby aspirin every day...I could have developed a clot and had a stroke! These tests helped me prevent all of that from happening! Yet my insurance doesn't feel it's necessary to cover!? Insane.

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