Well today I finally got my period. Now that it's here I can start preparing what this month will bring. Hopefully lots of answers and solutions! I guess I am to go in to the doctors on my day 3 to begin some tests. I think my dr. wants to retest my AMH levels, since she said they can always change. My last AMH testing was back in Sept. The numbers were great so I am hoping nothing has changed too drastically. It's always nerve wracking when you get older and you have to go in for these tests. As if aging wasn't hard enough - you have to have constant reminder tests that your eggs are too. oy.
It would be awesome if we could get all of these tests and whatnot done so I can start trying again soon. I hate when days like today happen when I get my period and I know, that was just another egg gone. I feel like my time is just ticking right on by and each month is just another step closer to menopause! haha. Scary to think about. =/
Anyway, I am eager to get to the bottom of everything needless to say. I am emotionally unstable as far as all of this. I am up and down all of the time. I know it's good that I was forced to wait, because I need this time to heal and prepare for the next round. Which I am doing, slowly but surely. But it would be cool if we do these tests and the doctor is like "yep, this is the problem, take this and do that and try again whenever you want!" and then boom, it works and everything is peachy! That's my perfect world. haha! But the reality is, I will have to do these tests, it may provide answers, it may not. And I will more than likely be told to wait until next month so now we are looking at March at the earliest. I just turned 37 in Dec and it is already FLYING by!!
I also am STILLLLLL waiting for the results of the tissue sample. My God it is taking FOR-EV-ER. I called my nurse to see what the hold up was and she is going to call them today to see if she can find out what is taking so long. And hopefully they can just tell her what the results were!! So I don't know if it will be today that I will know anything - but I am confident it will be sometime this week. I will post as soon as I hear something. :)
In other news, my mom came and visited me this weekend which was nice. It's always nice to get some mom time in, especially when you are going through hard times. Nothing like the comfort of your momma. We watched a lot of movies this weekend. The Revenant, The Martian and Everest. All GREAT movies, but if I had to recommend one, The Martian is a MUST SEE!! I loved it!! The Revenant was good, a little long but Leo's acting was great. And Everest was really good too, very sad. Based on a true story which always tugs at the heartstrings a little harder. But The Martian - yeah...phenomenal!!
Ok that's enough of my movie reviews! (Sometimes you have to go a little off topic to get your mind off of things!!) ;)
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