Unfortunately, my LIT appointment has been postponed until further notice. One of the required test results that I had to do for the procedure came back "indeterminate" for a particular virus HTLV. It means that I may or may not have this virus. Which, if I did, would be utterly insane. But I am thinking this has got to be just a mistake. I don't know anymore.
Yesterday hit me like a ton of bricks. Everything I was hoping to try to get done that made me hopeful for my future, came crumbling down in an instant. My entire Canadian trip for this weekend has now been cancelled due to this. I go in to get retested tomorrow. If it comes back ok - I can proceed at least with the LIT. If not, well, looks like I'm up shits creek.
Maybe this just isn't meant to be. Maybe it's just not in the cards for me. I am so tired. I am physically and emotionally drained. I don't think I have much gas left in my tank to continue this nightmare. I just feel like it doesn't end.
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