Thursday, July 7, 2016

July 21st

Well - I got the call from the schedule coordinator for the Endometriosis surgery and turns out, they got me in for July 21st! Which means, this will get done before my next period - which means, we can possibly try again in August!! It's great and terrible timing all in one - because that is the week my sister and her family are coming to visit! But, she understands and we just have to throw a quick surgery into the plans. lol

  It will be interesting what they find out. It's good both ways I guess. It's good if I do have endo - because that may give me a reason for my high tnfa and perhaps control it. But it's good if I don't have it - because, well, yay I don't have endo! One less thing! lol. So either way, I am going to be ok. I will either treat it, or I won't have to worry about it.

Thing that sucks is - if I don't have it - then bring on the expensive drugs. Yikes. Not looking forward to that expense. I will retest my TNFa a week or so after my surgery to see if that made any effect. Wish I could wait a bit longer to retest - but my period will be coming shortly after so I need this all squared away so I can prep for August. What a fiasco I tell ya. Everyday it's something different. A bumpy, twirly, up and down roller coaster that doesn't seem to end.

Well, let's see what they discover...stay tuned...