Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Got some great news today! I received the results for my LIT treatment as well as my updated TNFa tests, and LIT worked!! My numbers look amazing!

                                               LIT treatment before (top) and after (bottom)

Needless to say there have been some major improvements here. I will start with the LIT. The most important aspect of this test apparently are the B-Cells IgG. Specialists say they prefer this number to be above 50% and anything less than 30% can lead to miscarriages. Clearly, mine were insanely low at 1% before the LIT treatment. Which means my body wasn't producing any protective antibodies when pregnant to help protect the embryo from my insanely active immune system. So in turn, my body was attacking the embryo and viewing it as a foreign object. Now my numbers are 99.9% which means I have developed the antibodies needed to protect the embryo for future pregnancies! Amazing news!! You can see the test went from negative to positive! So I am naturally ecstatic over these results! Those trips to Canada were not for nothing and I am excited to see if this will really be the difference we needed!

                                     TH1/TH2 (TNFa results) before (top) and afrer (bottom)

Now on to this other important test. As you can see my before numbers were off the charts high at 61.5%. They say anything above 40% can damage eggs and anything over 30% can cause miscarriage. So I have been taking the natural supplements (3 grams of omega daily, 1200mg of NAC daily, 100mg pine bark, and 600mg Reservatrol daily). I was on these supplements for probably a month before I retested and I am really happy to see that the tests came back much lower. Now it's still in the high zone...we need to get this below 30 before I can start trying again. But I feel now with neupogen or humira - that it will help get this down where it needs to be. I don't understand why my TNFa is so high to begin with. They say it can be flared by Rheumatoid Arthritis, Endometriosis, or Crohn's disease. I wouldn't be shocked if I had Endo. I have always had painful periods so it wouldn't surprise me. It also wouldn't shock me if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. My mom has that so it very well could be inherited. Whatever it is, I am glad my body is responding well with the natural supplements. And hopefully more specific medication for this issue can knock it down under 30.

  I have my followup with my doctor on June 2nd to go over everything. I want to begin trying again in July - so we have a month to get this all situated. But I am really optimistic for the future now and eager to see if everything works. I am still staying grounded because with my history - how could I not? Nothing is guaranteed and I can't expect that these will be my golden tickets to pregnancy. But I am so excited to finally be moving in a direction!! :)

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