Tuesday, December 20, 2016

7 weeks and some days

Someone sucked all of my energy out of my body. I literally am too tired to function. When I am at work..I think about sleeping. And when I am home...I am sleeping. Man! I feel so useless lately, but I know my body is working in overdrive, so I just have to accept it and relax. My husband is a godsend. He has picked up my slack so much with no complaints. I can't express how lucky I am to have someone like him supporting me through this. I mean, he cleans, makes me dinner, brings me snacks, etc..etc. Truly amazing. 

  Saturday (the 17th) I had another small bleed. It wasn't much and didn't last long. But still scary nonetheless. However, this time I didn't freak out. I knew it had to be the progesterone pills and my irritated cervix. So I kept calm and just went to bed. Next day it was gone. I have lowered my progesterone from 200mg 3x a day (600mg) to 200 2x a day (400mg). I am hoping on a lower dosage it will give my cervix a little break in between medications. From what I read, most women who get put on progesterone supplements only get put on from 200mg to 400mg anyway - so I don't feel that it's going to be a big deal. I also read there is a lot of controversy to progesterone supplementation in general. Some don't believe it prevents anything and actually can cause harm to the baby. I don't know. I do know I will just take it because I am doing what I am told. But hopefully a slightly lower dosage will calm my cervix down a bit. We shall see. I haven't bled since that night, but still have light brown spotting here and there. I just really am doing all I can to not take those damn shots. I don't feel comfortable with them at all. So I am praying my cervix will stop being a pansy and suck it up! lol

 Other than that...just cruising along. My 8 week appt is Dec 28th. My doctor will be out on vacation so a new doctor will be performing the ultrasound. I hope she is a lot warmer than my current doctor. I swear, my doctor has the worst bedside manner. She is just so direct, to the point and not warm about anything. My husband was even bothered by her lack of excitement when we saw the heartbeat. You'd think we have been on this journey with her for 2 years now, and we've come so far, that she would show a little bit of emotion. We got nuthin. Haha! Oh well. It is what it is. Hopefully I can move along with all of this and go see my regular OBGYN soon and deal with my specialist less. Not sure how all of that works yet. 

 Anywayy, if I don't chime in before Christmas, hope everyone has a lovely holiday!! 


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